Saturday 3 March 2012

Happy matriculation sommyluv

Happy matriculation love.
Somtochukwu Amaugo gained admission into Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umuahia (MOUAU) to study Computer Science. He attended Airforce Nursery and Primary School Enugu, Federal Government College Enugu and is now at MOUAU.
A lotta people might be wondering why im doing a piece on him..well, this is on sentimental grounds bcos he is my younger brother and the last of 3 children born to my parents;your's faithfully, my sister Kelechi and then Himself .
Happy matriculation dear, God's Grace and Protection. We will all live to come for your convocation.
This also goes to all who have done their matriculation most especially Joy Njom, Godliness joseygee and also to those who's matric is still in view.
                                                                                                                            With warmest wishes,
Photo Speaks......

Moi, Somto and kelechi

Kelechi, Mummy, Somto, Chizurum, Daddy

Somto and Arinze

Family and Nifes papa and friends

Sommyluv and kaycee

Kaycee, Sommyluv n Chaizy

With Friends

Your's faithfully

sommyluv and kaycee

Thursday 1 March 2012


Self-pride is your sense of your own value or worth as a person. It is how much you like, accept, approve, and respect yourself. You can recognize yourself as worthy and capable of loving and being loved. Or, your self-pride can be the biggest stumbling block to living the successful, happy life you want to live. Self-pride effects how you act in every situation, what you say and do, and how your feel about yourself. It is a continuous influence on your perception of life.

The pride you have within yourself determines your success or failure in everything. Contemplate for a moment what you really think about yourself. Take a look in the mirror and notice your self chatter. Catch yourself in a mistake of some sort and become conscious of your internal dialog. Notice the type of conversation that goes through your head when you reach an obstacle, have a setback, or are unable to achieve your goals. Sadly, many of us have deep feelings that who we are is flawed, unlovable, or unacceptable. Every mistake, setback, or evidence of an imperfect body is proof that we do not deserve to love ourselves, or to be loved.

If you strongly believe:
o you do not like yourself,
o you are not a good human being,
o you do not deserve happiness,
o the worst will always happen,
o you never do anything right
o that success will take too long or be too much work,
o or that you are inadequate in any way, you will create this reality for yourself.

If you have accepted an idea of inferiority concerning your looks, your attributes, or your ability to be successful, stop and rethink your position. This type of negative thinking will not help you achieve a happy life. If you want to achieve happiness, success, or inner peace, decide to put your energy into raising your self-pride. Instead of being your own worst enemy, you can be your own best friend. Find ways to strengthen your belief that you are already quite extraordinary. Do not wait for the outcome of a goal or the end result of weight loss. Begin, right now, today, to cultivate your belief in yourself.

Tremendous potential lies within you, waiting to be discovered and used. You may choose to blame yourself and feel guilty because of your mistakes and shortcomings. Or you may choose to affirm yourself because of all your good qualities. Every decision you make either helps awaken the positive core light within your self or further blocks its expression. Make the choice to focus on the positive self, in yourself and others.

These empowering 10 tips will help you develop a strong, enduring sense of self-pride that will help you create a life that you will love living:
1. People with poor self-esteem often fail to give themselves enough time and space. So find 10 minutes every day to be alone and to just sit and do nothing. Build quiet time into your schedule, perhaps before everyone else gets up out of bed, during a midmorning break, or after the kids are asleep. Quiet time is when you shut out as much outside interference as possible. You may take a gentle walk, or simply be still and breathe. During this 10 minutes, allow yourself to feel peaceful and happy. Enjoy this quiet time. It is yours - and yours alone. And you deserve it. Setting aside 10 minutes of quite time everyday is a very caring thing to do for your mind, body, and emotional life.

2. One of the most common ways to raise your self-esteem is to expand your comfort zone by taking a risk and being successful doing so. Listen to what your body, mind, and spirit are telling you. Follow the signs of excitement and choose a personally meaningful goal, life direction, or dream that you are willing to put time, effort, and personal energy into. Deciding to choose a meaningful life direction provides value to your time, and offers meaning to your life. Choose something and follow through. Celebrate your efforts, and praise your successes. With time, your words of support will allow your inner white light to expand and fill you with warmth and self-appreciation.

3. Take very good care of yourself. Instead of "behaving well", or doing the "right" thing, listen to your body and treat yourself with love. Listen inwardly and eat foods that make you feel more alive, before and after eating them. Engage in activity that boosts your endorphins and self-esteem. This is not the same as exercising to lose weight. Instead, move your body because your butt says you have been sitting on your office chair for far too long, or your legs needs to stretch, or your lungs are crying out for some fresh air and sunshine.

4. Encourage yourself to be a creative, imaginative problem solver. Instead of falling into overwhelm, worrying, or giving up when you meet adversity, ask your inner creative self to come up with an optimistic solution. Wait for the creative solution to arrive.

5. Accept responsibility for your actions, and accept the consequences of your actions. You are an adult, and allowed to make choices. Naturally, all choices have consequences. You get to decide if you like the outcomes of your choices. You are not a good boy or girl based on undesirable outcomes, rather you are an empowered person capable of learning from your experiences. Use your wisdom to make new self-supportive decisions.

6. Encourage yourself through new experiences with "I believe in me" messages. Trust that as long as you put effort toward your desired outcome, you will achieve success. You may not know when success will arrive, or exactly how you will achieve it. However, continue to pump belief into what you declare that you deserve in your lifetime, and with time and action you will be able to achieve it.

7. Look to the future with excitement, a sense of adventure and optimism. Recognize yourself as a person worthy of success, and spend time visualizing your success. Decide to focus on specific dreams, aspirations, and hopes for the future. Take some sort of action everyday that helps to increase your excitement for living.

8. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Understand that problems, conflicts, and failures are a part of life. When you make mistakes, smile and hug yourself. Provide yourself with the comfort your really need. Let yourself know this world is a safe place if you choose to make it a safe place. You can learn to encourage and support yourself through the good times and especially the bad times. Love that you are overcoming fear and attempting something new - no matter what the outcome.

When an occasional failure is experienced - get up, dust yourself off, access the wisdom gained, believe in yourself, and begin again.

Action Step:
Move up your practice of raising your self-pride to front and center. For the next week, plan to find daily opportunities to say "I am very proud of you!" Develop a journal and every day write down five statements of self-appreciation. Write with feeling. Be smiling. Be amazed. Write down, "I am VERY proud of myself because I -- - -----!" Put it in a convenient place - your refrigerator, computer monitor, office desk, or the table beside your bed. Read it over to yourself at least several times a day to keep reminding yourself of how great you are!

Be the best of the IMPERFECT you......


Everyone who has seen an image of an anorexic girl looking into a mirror with a chubby girl staring back at her knows exactly what a distorted self-image is. But how many times does the image you perceive not accurately reflect the real you? While your body may not have the fun house mirror distortion, many times the mind or the character will. How you see yourself extends beyond the mere physical.

An Accurate Reflection
What is a true image of yourself? It means you perceive yourself as the rest of the world does. It also means that you must work to keep the image accurate. Sometimes if a person has grown up with negative things constantly being said to them, they repeat those things to themselves after they grow up. Make sure that the things you say to yourself, your self talk, and the things which you permit other people to say to you are accurate.

Talk to the Mirror
Have a conversation with that reflection staring back at you. Tell it all the good qualities it has. Remind it of all the accomplishments, large and small, that it has achieved. Encourage it with positive reinforcement. Acknowledge the flaws and describe ways to fix them. When you talk to yourself in that mirror the goal is to remove distortions and create a positive and accurate perception of yourself. Your goal is utter self-acceptance; even if you need to work on a few things, you have to accept yourself as you are before you can move forward.

Learn the Difference Between Constructive and Critical
Constructive criticism from other people is a great tool for learning more about yourself and identifying both your good and bad qualities. However, many people are prone to accept cynicism and critical words that are more reflective of the speaker than the person they are talking about. Do not let anyone speak to you or describe you in a manner that you know is not fair and accurate. If you would never utter those words to another person, then do not let anyone say them to you.

Grow Positively
When you have given yourself an accurate self image, develop it. Play on the positive characteristics which you have. The more you develop that which is good and strong, the less space and time there is for that which is negative or weak. If you are out volunteering or helping at your kids' school that time can not be spent criticizing yourself for not giving to others.

Subtract the Negative
A person who has truly learned to look at themselves clearly will also remember that everyone has flaws. But rather than dwell on the flaws, the direction to take is to think of ways to reduce them. If you are aware of a flaw, such as impatience, remind yourself to stop for a moment every time you feel it well up inside you. Breathe deeply and try to exercise self control. The more practice you have, the easier it becomes.

Self Fulfilling Cycles
Your self image will surely improve as you focus more on developing what is positive and reducing what is negative. The practices feed on themselves, the more good thoughts and good deeds, the more you remind yourself that you truly are a good person. This includes doing good things for yourself. The fewer negative thoughts you have the less you will focus on things that do not positively motivate you. Make the effort to put a smile on your own face every day with the thoughts you have and the actions you make, and you will naturally form a healthy opinion of yourself!

Enjoy ur life!!!!

My first

wow...just created my blog. This is like my 1st attempt at blogging and i hope to do a good job of it. Just like the name, i'm gonna be talking a lot about plus size women not that our minus size(lol) women wont get some attention but i will focus more on how we can take care of ourselves, tackle some of the issues we face like low self esteem, non availability of beautiful clothes in our body types and size and others as we move along.
I'm a size 16 or sometimes small 18 and i want all plus size women to be proud of their bodies while maintaining optimal health. i hope to hear from y'all......xx